25 December 2017

First off, Happy Holidays !

My time off has started off Good yet aloof (?) Not sure how to really describe it. To prep, I bought a lot of books.. like, 16 books (all used of course). I don't know if I'll get through them all but that's my goal. It's a bit far-fetched, but a girl can dream. I also bought three bottles of red cold ones to accompany the many cookies/chocolates I received from my boys friends and coworkers. I'm glad I can do this because I remember very clearly that I was horribly sick this time last year and it sucked.

Anyways, it's the 25th now, so before I gotta be all ~new year, new me~, here are some final xmas pics courtesy of the Hudson's Bay animated display windows:


  1. these are so cute, hope ur holiday was well <3


  2. 16 books is a lot! Even if you don't get through all of them during the hols, there are other times to get through them. Getting sick around the festive time of the year is definitely not fun, so I'm glad you're in good health for it this year. Happy New Year to you!

    1. Definitely overestimated how many books I could read but that's true. I'll have a whole new year to read it now.
      Thanks! Happy new year :)
