06 August 2017

Reading round-up from whenever the last one was.

Oh boy. I'm trying so hard to read these days but can only make it through a few pages before getting distracted. I barely scraped by these gems.

03 August 2017

Tea tree and me because it rhymes.

Welcome back.. said myself. I was trying to think of something relate-able and note-worthy to post but fuck it, I guess. Honestly speaking, life has been feeling like a waste. I'm in a job that pays the bills, is partly relevant to what I studied, is comfortable, but not where I want to ultimately end at. My nerves have been bad. I feel like I'm a ship with the anchor out dragging along the ocean floor as I'm trying to navigate and brave the currents. I had three panic attacks in one week, all while driving. I'm good at handling them so I wouldn't have endangered anyone on the road.. but it never gets old at the same time. I'm making active changes in my life to perhaps have a healthier lifestyle, but I feel like I've also tossed a lot of good, old habits out the window which is making me clam up inside. 

One of the minute changes is transitioning to tea tree products. Aside from the warm, minty scent that I love, tea tree is a natural antiseptic and it worked wonders soothing my skin from patches of psoriasis. A lot of these brands are vegan or cruelty-free or fair trade so that is an added bonus! So far, I've trieda variety of shower products by Paul Mitchell, The Body Shop, and most recently, Dr. Bronner's. Interestingly, the Dr. Bronner's liquid soap claims to be 18-in-1, from shampoo to toothpaste to laundry or dish detergent. I've only used it as a shampoo (I also bought the conditioner to replace my current product when it's finished) so I can't vouch for any of the other purposes but the more you know ..! 

Hmm, I didn't mean for the post to go this way but there it is.