12 December 2016

Less than just a Christmas wishlist.

Christmas is in two weeks and honestly, I could not care for it other than the family time. I come from a household that isn't very festive nor do we celebrate many holidays, so over the years, it's not uncommon that the 'magic' of Christmas has worn off for me. On the flip side, I admit that I do use Christmas as an excuse to indulge in consumerism and materialism. However this year, for the life of me, I couldn't come up with a more generous wishlist which is partially due to my desire to remain minimal and also... I just don't need anything anymore. I think I have finally come to the point in my life where I don't feel the strong need to want anything (material-wise). I'm content with this satiation in life actually because

  1. Clutter and too many things are the stem of my anxiety, 
  2. I can save much more money and spend it on meaningful things (like travel or treating family and friends instead) and,
  3. I spend less time fixated on obtaining products (also less feeding into my impulsive tendencies)
So there you have it. 

Except, humans (me) and life are hypocritical and unpredictable so I put together a small (insignificant, even) collage of my 2016 Christmas wishlist:


  • Comme Des Garcons wallet with full functionality (card slots, coin pouch, note slot, zipper fastener). This is the year I ditch my purses, cross-bodies, and clutches to convert to a simple and sleek wallet because I hate wearing them.
  • French Connection felt coat -- I tried this on in Vietnam (imported) and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Sadly, it is only available in Europe or online. I have been wanting a wool or felt coat for a while, but I don't need another coat.
  • Generic photo of books -- meaning I want to read more. I collect books and I have this long "to-read" list.. meaning I have a lot of books I need to buy. Mostly secondhand (Thank God).   
So from this list, I will most likely only get more books because it's a nice way to spend the holidays. Also, because I cannot justify spending that much money on a wallet or a coat that I don't need. Cheers.


  1. Christmas can get materialistic but one of the best parts is giving gifts to other people and seeing their reactions! Receiving them is fun too, so I guess I'm kind of the opposite, haha.

    Also, books are great! And that Comme Des Garcons wallet looks really neat!

    (Thanks for the comment btw!!)

  2. LOVE the coat and wallet! Christmas shopping and wish-lists have those up and down years. For me, I'm feeling more or less the same way this year. Pretty much keeping this minimal, and focusing more on spending time with people and not worrying about shopping for gifts.

  3. Hi there! New reader here!

    I've been on a minimalistic journey for several years now but I still find it hard especially with the holidays! I've watched a film called "Minimalism" awhile back and that inspired me. It's on Netflix in case you want to watch it!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I'm a newbie to minimalism (barely half a year) so I will definitely check it out.
