08 December 2016

Cambodia 2016

As part of my trip to Vietnam, I was fortunate enough to fit in a road trip to Cambodia. We traveled for four days and three nights between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh making stops at monumental landmarks like Angkor Wat and Silver Pagoda.

There is actually a pretty significant population of Khmer people living in Vietnam and I met a handful when visiting the countryside. I would say the opposite also exists in Cambodia since our tour guide was Vietnamese living in Cambodia. Both countries are very similar and located right next to one another so it is not a surprise. Although I wasn't expecting anything new or exciting about Cambodia, I found that the people really resonated with me (or maybe because they were aware I was a tourist). Overall, my trip was very insightful. I learned a lot about the history of Cambodia. I had the opportunity to explore a realistic Cambodia (rurals) too.

(Ruins of Angkor Wat)

Fried bugs galore! I've had a fried friend in my lifetime, but seeing platters full was a bit overwhelming. Not to mention, the bugs are almost five times the size I'm using to seeing. Live tarantulas were also passed around but spiders aren't my thing ..

(Silver Pagoda)
I always have an appreciation for these furry friends that seem to inhabit every temple. These two were especially friendly and came running up to me probably knowing tummy rubs and head massages were included.

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