28 January 2019

Starting now, I am myself again.

Re-acquainted myself with Late Night Alumni through listening to Kaskade. It really makes me nostalgic and yearn for late night drives again.

How's 2019 treating everybody? I'm glad this month is over. It's always the initial hurdle I have to drag myself through and then it just becomes habit for the remaining time (is that a sad view of living? Maybe). I'm excited for February though because it will be Lunar new year. Honestly, I'm not even that cultural, but I have to admit I like ..the motions. And I respect it of course which is why I try to be involved in the process as much as I can because I probably won't carry it on by myself. I'm also excited because January hasn't been very fun-- Full of self doubt (and still going) and homework (ugh). I also managed to incur four stitches to my face and minor trauma which was a lowkey fun experience (I swear I'm not masochistic). But if I learned anything this month, it's to face adversity and live in the Now. I finally got around to reading The Power of Now. I'm still in the middle of it. I keep falling asleep after ever sub-chapter or so, so I feel like I'm not getting the full experience but I bookmarked some stuff, so maybe I'll share a self book club discussion once I'm done.


  1. using computer cuz it's my best chance of succeeding in posting the comment. 2019 has been ok to me, i feel like after holidays i got to see my friends a bit more. still not exercising well cuz of the weather. i just dont want to step outside in -15.. i just dont. the motivation sucks right now.

    hope you get lots of money for new year =D and get something nice. some clothing perhaps? tell us about the stiches to face - what happened? fell down?

  2. Thanks for the trouble! OTL idk why my blog isn't mobile friendly.
    It's okay! As soon as the weather warms up, you'll be back on your feet. Think of this as an extended cheat day.

    You too! Lots of money and great health and whatever else the lucky cat stands for! The stitches are an incident that shall not be named. jk. It's boring-- I fell lol.
