30 September 2023

The Gate - Natsume Soseki

 A novel of reflection and manifestation (depending on your religious view). 

Sosuke and Oyone are a quiet couple who have denounced themselves from the world. At first, I believed it was Sosuke's stern nature and their state of penury that caused them to live withdrawn from society. However, as the story unfolds, there revealed a past history that was the result of this lifestyle. Oyone's recollection hints at some punishment for someone she harmed in the past. Sosuke also recounts his story of how he met Oyone and although it should seem romantic, actually takes on an ominous tone. 


Years ago, Sosuke and Oyone fell in love. Oyone was married at the time to Sosuke's best friend, Yasui. 

I call this part-karma and part-manifestation. 

The couple know what they've done. They flee from city to city, running away from something they wish not to confront. Even now, Sosuke is unable to own up to meeting Yasui years later and escapes to some temple retreat thinking he will find the answer there. I think the only answer is admitting their truth. As a result of this guilt, they blame karma for the failed pregnancies and meager livings. This could be true. However, I think part-manifestation comes to play. They are always living with fear that the past will come to the present. Not wanting to deal with the uncomfortable, they bury it as taboo. Life is looking up for them but their modesty holds them back from the potential they could obtain. As spring arrives, Sosuke is already weary of the upcoming winter. This leaves them in perpetual distress. 

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