07 September 2020

Readings... an assortment of random books


I have really been trying to get through my decreasing pile of books. This particular lot was bought on a whim to reach shipping minimum (~$1) so they are very random and not what I typically read. Basically let me review how unimpressed I was by them all lol.

The Adults - This was the most provoking one out of the four but not really in a good way. I've never read Lolita but I imagine this is what it would strike resemblance with.. A messed up pov of a hs student having relations with her teacher. The worst part is both her parents end up knowing and they don't really do anything about it. Any confrontation is kind of just glazed over and I felt the whole relationship was super romanticized. Blegh.

The Art of Adaption - Generic storyline about a recently divorced mother adjusting as the sole parent and finding love, etcetc. Pretty sure I've watched a Netflix movie with this same cheesy story.

Tigers in Red Weather - I thought this could have potential because it involved some murder-mystery element but was similar to the glitz and glam of Great Gatsby and no follow-up. I did like how the author wrote in the different characters pov but I felt there could have been more to the plot.

The Gardens of Kyoto - Fell flat.. like really flat. I honestly don't even know how I finished. Remnants of past history fused with the present and a girl's memory of her dead cousin. I get that it was commentary on how the war events changed people but there was no impression for the reader.  I would have been better empathizing off an actual history book. 

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