20 January 2020

Where do I go from here and Readings:

It's just deep into the month of January and I've already dreamt that the year was over. I admit, it started off on a bit of a slump as I find it usually does, however I can't sit still and mourn the loss of time. All I can do is wake up and live presently and plan for the future. Despite sounding this way, I have no regrets from last year. I think I ended up accomplishing a lot of hurdles and I continue shoveling snow (see Readings:). In real talk, I was fortunate to go on two trips with my family and friend, separately. I recently completed an online diploma. I'm happily learning at my own pace and learning what I want to learn. The health and exercise department is still extremely lacking but I've been tuned to cook healthier meals now. I'm at the beginnings of planning my next (*hint* long-awaited) trip before summer. I am also hoping to squeeze another trip in the fall time, but we will see. In the meantime, I will continue taking online courses-- expanding my knowledge and maybe revisit some old topics in medical because I kind of miss it (but not enough to go back lol).

I also found time to finish some books. Crazy how my last book update was in April. I wish I could dedicate more time to reading but my attention isn't like what it used to be and I'm always jumping between hobbies. But like how I tell myself every year.. I'll resolve to read more this year.

1. Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima - Romance novel held in the aristocratic era of Japan. There wasn't anything particularly fascinating but I enjoyed the mellow tones and the imagery painted.

2. A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro

3. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara - I finally got around to reading this hefty book. At times, I found that it dragged on a bit but I thoroughly enjoyed (if that's even the right word..) all of the characters and the protagonist's development. Fyi - lots of trigger warnings of abuse.

4. Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami - It's kind of embarrassing how I feature a Murakami book every time but honestly, I would say this is a top favorite from his collection. The theme resonated well coming into the new year. I feel like every chapter had some great quotes that lead to simple but important reflections. From beginning to end, I feel like the story played out exactly how I wanted which is rare (cause obviously it's not written just for me). Since watching Finding Nemo, the phrase "keep swimming" has stuck with me but from reading Dance Dance Dance, I was introduced to "shoveling snow" which kind of partners with keep swimming because it means performing tasks in life that may be mundane but simply have to be done. And, it's a phrase that sticks because it's been snowing immensely all weekend and yeah literally had to shovel snow.

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