04 October 2017

Green thumbing for greens

I love plants. I can tell this story again and again; of the specific moment in high school when I truly fell in love with science through ecology. It's not the path that I wanted as a career, but I knew that it would be a lustful hobby if anything. I was introduced to an Amaryllis and I thought it was the most beautiful flower I'd ever laid eyes on. Soon came succulents and cacti and from there, my affinity to plants and flowers have been ongoing.

For someone who really loves plants though, I have to admit that I am a below average to horrible planter. It seems like I don't have a knack for green thumbing which you would think is an easy feat (that's what I thought too..). For starters, I have tried multiple times to grow from an avocado pit. My very first attempt gave a little sprout, but after I transferred it to soil, it died. So I kept trying again and again but couldn't ever get a sprout until I realized my mistake of planting the seed upside down (duhhh). This time around, I have four pits so hopefully the chances of at least ONE sprout is there. Normally, I would separate each pit into their own container, but I got lazy so we'll see if my criss-cross makeshift works.


  1. have i visited this blog before? have you ever commented on my site? i'm so thankful for your msg. it's been like.. an unhappy period i'm almost finished crawling out of. are you from toronto as well? do we know each other? lemme know~~


  2. I was absolutely shocked to hear you read my blog for a while. blogging is dead miss.mars (i dunno what to call you), the google stats show its decline as the years went on. anyway im so happy to hear from another leafs fan =D =D

    im gonna bookmark this blog~ if you think youre a terrible planter - i killed my grade 1 project where you had to plant a bean in a cup. remember that? i think i pulled the root on mine or something. i failed a grade 1 project -_-

    you play automata? you play ps4?? oh my. what games you enjoy playing? im not as much of a gamer as time went on.. still chugging away at my remaining ps3 stuff before i buy the ps4 (mostly for gta5.)

    if you have like instagram or something i hope you find me. i wont add you back, you dont have to show anything. i have a few blog readers who do that and i'm cool with it. i just want them to see my stuff. cheers~

